Home » Types of Magnets » Pot Magnets» Neoflux Pot Magnets

Neoflux Pot Magnets

Neoflux Pot MagnetsNeoflux pot magnets are made up of alloys of neodymium, iron and boron. These magnets have high magnetic strength as compared to ceramic pot magnets. The magnetic shield to these magnets are provided by the soft iron case. The protective covering over the magnets provide them with strong resistance against corrosion. The neoflux magnets are workable under high temperature.

The neoflux magnets should not be pressed directly into iron as it may cause short circuit and hence reduce the adhesive power of the magnets. Neoflux pot magnets can be recognized by the blue color on the magnetic side. Just like other pot magnets they too posses fastening qualities, that is they too can be pressed, screwed and glued.